Hongqi Laser Co.,Ltd is devoted to providing professionalOEM/ODM services. Hongqi Laser has an integratedprofessional system for machine R&D, manufacture, certif-icate identification, and market promotion. Therefore,Hongqi Laser has the confidence and capability to provideinnovative and practical solutions conforming to custom-ers’ needs with quick responses of high efficiencyWe have our own R&D department with many experienceddesigners, engineers and many production lines. so wehave the strong production capacity to offer you high quali-ty beauty equipments a according to your needs, ideas,and samples.
OEM refers to a company or organizationauthorized by another company to manufactureand provide products or componentsOEM typically produces and customizes productsbased on customer requirements, and sells them tobrand owners or retailers, with their products typicallysold under the brand name of the brand ownerOEM usually undertake tasks such asproduction, assembly, and packaging, butproduct design and research anddevelopment are usually theresponsibility of brand owners.
ODM refers to a company or organizationthat is not only responsible for manufacturingproducts, but also for product design and researchand development.ODM usually collaborates with brand owners orbuyers to design, develop, and produce productsbased on their needs and specifications.ODM usually provides a comprehensive solution.including product design, production, marketsupport, etc. The product may be sold underits own brand or the buyer's brand canbe used according to demand
These are some items that can be customized, such as: Functional configuration, Energy Output, Wavelength Selection, Treatment Modes, Cooling System, Accessories and Attachments, Usage Pattern, Language, Appearance, Interface, Color, Brand logo, Etc.
OEM refers to a company or organization authorized by another company to manufacture and provide products or components. OEM typically produces and customizes products based on customer requirements, and sells them to brand owners or retailers, with their products typically sold under the brand name of the brand owner. OEM usually undertake tasks such as production, assembly, and packaging, but product design and research and development are usually the responsibility of brand owners.
ODM refers to a company or organization that is not only responsible for manufacturing products, but also for product design and research and development. ODM usually collaborates with brand owners or buyers to design, develop, and produce products based on their needs and specifications. ODM usually provides a comprehensive solution, including product design, production, market support, etc. The product may be sold under its own brand or the buyer’s brand can be used according to demand.
These are some items that can be customized, such as: Functional configuration, Energy Output, Wavelength Selection, Treatment Modes, Cooling System, Accessories and Attachments, Usage Pattern, Language, Appearance, Interface, Color, Brand logo, Etc.
When it comes to custom products, there are a variety of elements andfeatures that can be tailored to meet specific needs and preferences.
Logo is an important part,which involves designinga unique identifier, product,or service to convey thebrand’s value, personalityand positioning. The logo canbe added to the interfaceor machine casing
Design an ergonomiccasing shape thatmeets the needs of thetarget user group, pro-viding a comfortableoperating experience
Users can choosespecific colors.Colorcustomization can meetyour personalized needsand enhance the marketcompetitiveness of theproduct.
Such as user interface.functional module develo-pment, data management,multilingual support, remotemonitoringand support,compliance and security.
By customizing theoperation process andinterface of the language,customers can quicklymaster the usage of theinstrument, reduce thelearning curve, andimprove work efficiency.
Different treatmentmodes can achievepersonalized beautyeffects for different skintypes and problems.
They are an importantfactor in ensuring efficient,safe, and personalized useof equipment. These acce-ssories not only affect thetreatment effect, but alsorelate to the customer’suser experience and safety,
Market service custo-mization not only includespre-sales,in sales, andafter-sales services, but alsoinvolves multiple aspectssuch as training, technicalsupport,maintenance, andcustomer relationshipmanagement.
OEM/ODM customization services provide customers with flexible productdevelopment and production methods, which can effectively reduceresearch and development costs and market risks, and providecustomers with personalized products that meet market demands.
When selecting suppliers, customers should fullyconsider quality control, communication andcoordination, and market adaptability to ensurethe smooth progress of the project and long-termcooperation between both parties
Whether you are a beauty salon, medical institution, hospital, or individual user, we are happy to provide you with professional advice and solutions.
Committed to becoming a leading global manufacturer and supplier of beauty equipment.